Sunday, December 16, 2007


Remember to keep Jesus at the center of all you celebrations, and all of your New Year resolutions.

Have a blessed Christmas and a healthy, peaceful New Year.

Sunday, December 2, 2007




“That’s as close as you’re going to get to it until Jesus comes.”

Those echoing words of the Bible waving evangelist swept throughout the tent meeting that stormy night twenty years ago. Thunder and lightning encased his words and drove them right into the heart of the audience.

“There is no rest for the wicked,” he bellowed pointing his finger around the tent.

Everyone looked at his neighbor as if to say,

“It’s not me he’s pointing at.”

However, I felt he was taking direct aim at me. His words pierced my heart, because at the time I felt very wicked.
It was not until many years later that I stumbled across a passage in the book of Hebrews that Father God’s grace helped me to see with spiritual eyes.

“There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.”(Hebrews 4:9 KJV).

This passage was used to set me free from the condemnation that the evangelist had left me with all these years.

“You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”

Oh! How sweet it is to enter into the rest of God. Life is a race of the swiftest, but sometimes along the course there needs to be periods of rest and relaxation, or you will surely falter and fall.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Another Thanksgiving

Here we go again another turkey day or is it? Is it a day set aside to gather around the dining room table and eat, or is it a day to work on our relationship skills?

The day was given to us in the beginning of U.S. history to give thanks to God for all He has provided for us. However I'm sure you know the story, but do you really get the meaning?

To give thanks for all means all. The family members that get on your nerves. The ones that are truly embarrassing. The ones you don't speak to and the ones whom you barely whisper their names.

And what about those obnoxious people you have to work with? Do you give thanks for them and your job? What about those annoying rowdy neighbors? Do you give thanks for them?

I could go on and on but I'm sure you and I have clearly understood the message. God provided all, everyone for our betterment because He is a caring loving Father.

Let's give thanks!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Directions To His House

Make a right onto "Believeth Blvd."
Keep straight and go through the green light , which is Jesus Christ. From there, you must turn onto the "bridge of Faith," which is over troubled waters. When you get off the bridge, make a right turn and keep straight.

You are on the "Kings Highway"-Heaven Bound. Keep going for three miles:

One for the Father,
One for the Son, &
One for the Holy Ghost.

Then exit onto "Grace Blvd." From there, make a right onto "Gospel Lane." Keep straight and then make another right on "Prayer Blvd." As you go on your way, yield not to the traffic on "Temptation Ave."

Also, avoid "Sin Street" Because it is a Dead End. Pass up "Envy Drive, " and Have Avenue."
Also, pass "Hypocrisy Street," Gossiping Lane," and Backbiting Blvd."
But you have to go down "Long-Suffering Lane, " Persecution Blvd.," and "Trials and Tribulations, Ave," But that's alright because "Victory Blvd." is right ahead!

God Bless You and Have a Wonderful Day!!

Author Unknown

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Sin will take you further than you want to go.
Sin will turn on you.
Sin will keep you longer than you want to stay.
Sin will cost you more than you want to pay.
Sin seeks to blind you from the "Call."

God will always take you UP, He will never take you DOWN!

Sin will tie you up/bound you.
Sin can not dwell in the presence of GOD!

You are going to break one way or another.
You are going to learn the lesson one way or another.


Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Christain Walk

The Christian walk is hard. It is full of obstacles, hurdles and land mines, however there are many benefits that Father God has promised to His children that finish the course, that endure to the end.

"He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches;"

Benefit #1. "You will eat of the tree of life which is in the midst of the paradise of God."

Benefit #2. "You will not be hurt in the second death."

Benefit #3. "The Lord will give you the hidden manna to eat. I will also give you a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to you who receives it."

Benefit #4. "I will give you power over nations."

Benefit #5. "You shall be clothed in white raiment and I will not blot out your name out of the Book Of life, but I will confess your name before my Father and before His angels."

Benefit # 6. "I will make you a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will you leave it. I will write on you the name of my God! and the name of the city of my God, "the new Jerusalem," which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on you my new name."

Benefit #7. "I will grant you the right to sit with Me on My throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on His throne.

Benefit # 8. "You shall inherit ALL things; and I will be your God and you shall be my son."

Thursday, October 18, 2007


In Christ we have a love that can never be fathomed;
A life that can never die;
Arighteousness that can never be tarnished;
A peace that can never be understood;
A rest that can never be disturbed;
A joy that can never be diminished;
A hope that can never be disappointed;
A glory that can never be clouded;
A happiness that can never be interrupted;
Resources that can never be exhausted.


Give a shout for victory is yours when God is on your side. Do not worry about who is against you. Do not worry about the mess you may find yourself in now, because the same God that brought you out of the last one will bring you out of this one. The God of yesterday is the God of today.

Leave the defensive posture and go to the offensive. Do not be afraid of the arrows of defeat being aimed at you, because God has your back. Follow God wholeheartedly and shout Victory!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Disappointment, death, discouragement, despair all can produce dark days of suffering. These days can easily escalate into depression, sickness and loneliness if you don't immediately take control of the situation with prayer.

Yes prayer! The only answer when you have lost control and are on the verge of becoming paralyzed by fear and failure. You cannot become crushed by the weight of your suffering if you want to continue to live. You must find your refuge in prayer.

Prayer is simply crying out to God and telling Him all about the problem. Yes, He already knows but He waits for you to invite Him to help solve it. He will solve the problem if only you will allow Him to do so. Trust Him and you will never regret it. Turn your back to Him and you will always regret it.

The Pursuit Of Peace

Have you tried everything suggested to you to by friends, family and significant others to find peace in your mind? Did any of the suggestions work? Did any of them give you everlasting peace? Did you find peace in the midst of all the turmoils? I'm sure you didn't unless you opened up God's Word and began to read His many promises to give you a permanent peace. A peace unlike any that you temporarly found. A peace so sweet that you can lie your head down on your pillow at night and drift off into a tranquil restful sleep without waking with a chemical hangover.

Youv'e tried everything else, now try God and His way. That is the only way to everlasting peace.