Psalm 119:71
It is good for me that I Have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statues.
During this time of trials and tribulations that have come recently into my life, I have learned to lean on the LORD more and more. I have learned to do without and to know what the word sacrifice really means. The worldly word for cutting back and reducing expenditures called (downsizing), has become very vivid in my current situation.
Yet, I will still call upon the LORD and believe in His Word and promises that, "this too shall pass."
It did not come to stay. It is only here to try my faith to see if I will believe God's Word. Therefore, I can say with joy in my heart, that it was good for me that I have been afflicted.
In Naves Topical Bible I counted 28 and one half pages of Biblical scripture on the word Afflict, Affliction, and Afflictions. It has become very clear to me that I must suffer something in order to gain spiritual mastery of the mystery that is hid in Christ.
Consequently, I can count this present affliction as a joyful time to get to know my God more intimately. To increase my measure of faith and become more like Jesus.
Walking on the waves of affliction teaches me to keep focused on Jesus and prayer.