(To know Him is to love Him)
Utterly abandoned to the Holy Ghost!
Seeking His fullness at whatever cost;
Cutting all the shore lines, launching in the deep
Of His mighty power - strong to save and keep.
Utterly abandoned to the Holy Ghost!
Oh, the sinking, sinking until self is lost!
Till the emptied vessel lies broken at His feet;
Till His rich infilling make the work complete.
Utterly abandoned to the will of God!
Seeking but the lowly path that my Master trod;
Leaving ease and pleasure, making Him my choice;
Waiting for His guidance, list'ning for His voice.
Utterly abandoned! no will of my own-
Now and for eternity, His and His alone;
All my plans and purposes lost in His sweet will;
Having nothing, yet, in Him owning all things still.
Utterly abandoned! Tis so sweet to be captive in His bonds of love, yet be wholly free!
Free from sins' entanglement; free from doubt and fear,
Free from carnal worry, burden, grief and care.
Author Unknown