Deceit of the Mind is Created by Degrees
Satan's greatest strategy is to deceive our minds. Here a little, there a little he uses the many voices in the world today to plant seeds of deception until our ears are deaf to the words of truth found in the Bible.
Father God was very aware of this subtle strategy of the enemy that is why he cautioned us in the book of Romans; chapter 12, verse 2, to daily renew our minds. Every day our minds are being saturated with negative words and thoughts from worldly influences. Consequently, we must daily was our minds with the word of God to be able to know what is true and believable.
We are warned in God's word that the enemy comes dressed in costume as an angel of light, when in reality he is the prince of darkness and destruction. Especially in this hour of the church, we believers need to take heed to every word of doctrine we hear and test and try it with the word of God. We are what we think. A believer must take control of his/her mind and guard his/her thoughts. I we cannot conform our mind to God's will, we will be taken captive by satan.
2 Timothy 2:26:
"And that they may recover themselves out of the snares of the devil who are taken captive by him at his will."