I wrote the book, first of all, to give God the glory for saving me and to be obedient to His word which says;
"Write The Vision; make it plain upon tablets so he may run who reads it,"-Habakkuk 2:2.
"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony," Rev.12:11 & 1:19 "Write the things which you have seen and the things which are; and the things which shall be hereafter."
Next, I wrote the book to set the "captives free" that are deceived by lies from the enemy of our thoughts, that suicide is a problem solver; it definitely is not. Suicide is the number two (2) leading cause of all deaths in America and worldwide over 800,00 people die by suicide every year.
And, to set the "captives free" from fear and guilt; tools of the enemy, that if they are not conquered they will be used to lead you to death. Guilt never says you are worthy of anything and that you are not forgiven. Fear creates a situation in your mind that hasn't happened yet.
"The responsibility of the Christian writer is to convey right ideas. An idea that can stir others must instruct, delight, inspire. The writer's task is to find words to create understanding, to provide a bridge between his mind and heart and the minds and hearts of his readers."- Elizabeth Yates.
Last but not least, I wrote the book as a legacy to my living children and grandchildren, great-grandchildren and those to come.
May all of you who chose to read the book be blessed beyond measure.
Thank you!