Friday, April 4, 2008

I Can't Help Praising His Name

I am ever so thankful that Father God is real and His Word is true, (John 7:28 & 8:26 KJV).
He sent His Word and healed me, (Psalm 107:20 KJV).

During the month of March I literaly walked through the shadow of death with Father God at my side, and going before me, and covering my back. Surrounded by His presence and knowing in my spirit that it was not yet time for me to surrender my soul to the dust I persevered in prayer and faith.

I cried out and He heard me, He saw my tears, and He healed me, (Psalm 30:2).

Good health, perfect health, sustaining health is more precious than all of the money in the world. Never, never, take it for granted. If you have it, guard it with prayer and thanksgiving along with proper eating habits and a moderate lifestyle.

Be Blessed!

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