Monday, February 2, 2015

Filling The Void

Loneliness, depression, despair, and confusion are by-products of trying to live your life without God. When we were first formed within the wombs of our mothers, God placed an empty space within our hearts that can only be filled by Him.  We can try to fill it with drugs, alcohol, pornography, sex, etc., but the void can only be filled by God and His Holy word.

As I reflect back to last year and remember all of the tragedies brought about by not heeding to God's word, I am moved to weep and pray for God's mercy and amazing Grace on the lost, those that refuse to believe and accept the Gospel.  There is a true warfare in the spiritual realm for lost souls.  It takes faith and persistence in prayer to resist the enemy until he yields and lets go of their minds.  Our authority in Christ is far above all the power of the forces of darkness that aggressively try to block the salvation of  lost souls.  To God be the Glory.

The Bible reveals that suffering and death first entered the world because of disobedience.  However, the Bible also assures us that God has a plan for redemption through His beloved Son, Jesus Christ.  (John 3:16).  Pray for soul-saving revival through, "the blood of Jesus Christ in whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins." Colossians 1:14.

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