Friday, December 15, 2017

How To Permanently Eradicate Evil And Hatred From Your Life

As this eventful month and this despairing year comes to a close, I hear a mournful outcry from our land ravished by violence and bloodshed flowing from countless corpses strewn from city-to-city; state-to-state, and nation-to-nation. A cry for earth's remaining human beings to return to their original form; made in God's awesome splendorous image with Agape Love-tenderness of heart, brotherly love, charity, and goodwill to your neighbor. The blood spilled out on the land cries out for an immersion in Agape Love.  The blood spilled on the Cross cries out for a restoration of Agape Love.

  However true Agape Love can only take place in the heart.  A circumcised heart.  A humble repented heart. A heart that is submitted to God.  A heart that loves God with all of its might and cares for the wellbeing of others. One not hardened and filled with pride, arrogance, antagonism, and selfishness, but pulsating with the compassion of Christ Jesus.

   Evil and Hatred are waging war against Agape Love for the soul of this Nation.  Agape Love is power.  It makes you the master of every situation.  As long as you walk in love you cannot be hurt, and you cannot fail.  No one has the power to hurt your feelings because you should not be ruled by feelings, but by God's Agape Love.

Now is the hour to put to death those things that do not come from God. Many professing believers are roaming through this land infected with the evil and hatred permeating this society, thus grieving the heart of God.  Their hearts have become hardened to the purpose God designed them to be; witnesses of His Agape Love, His Word, and  His Mercy.

Revelation 2:4; Jude 21; 1John 4:12-21; Proverbs 15:3;  Psalm 44:21; John 3:16 &14:2;  2Thessalonians 2:16

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