Monday, July 5, 2021




I was recently blessed with a visit from one of my loved ones.  Though it was sweet, it was also bitter.  It was a trail that lasted almost a month and it sorely tried my patience. I did not like some of things it produced in me. I constantly asked God what was I to learn through this. Some of the anwers I did not llike, for example;

Trials or afflictions have a source and a purpose. God is in control of the time and the intenseity of the trial.  He has designed it for His glory and a specific need in your life.  Meanwhile, you are not to worry; worry is a waste of time and energry. 

Worry negates faith. Faith is only as good as the object you put it in. Faith is the ability to feel so sure of God, that no matter how dark the day, there is no doubt as to the outcome. Faith is a step on oa rock in the dark.  The trial will prove to be good if you respond in faith.

The trial will strengthen your faith; grow- you- up.  It will be an opportunity to express endurance and perserverance under pressure. God is going to develop Christ-likeness in you, through the trial. 

The trial will help you to measure your spiritual walk with God.  It is an opportunity for God to do something in your life. God will walk you through if you respond by believing.  If you do not understand the ways of God, you will be frustrated.  By His grace and power you will overcome.

Some trials God sends and some He allows.  Wisdom is seeing trials fom God's viewpoint and following His word by responding accordingly.   (James 1:1-12 & 1Peter:4:12 &1:7).

PRAYER: Father God may I always be mindful to give you praise in the midst of my trails.  Help me to worship you from the center of my pain so that I can always glorify you.  Let the joy in  my heart be contagious to others that are bound by circustances. Amen

1 comment:

DAB said...

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on your journey as you hear God and walk out His will and His way. Hallelujah!